Brittney Biggs - Maid of honor
Sister of the bride!
Kristine Romeo - Bridesmaid
Sister of the groom!
Samantha Apiquian - Bridesmaid
Cousin of the bride!
Ellery Biggs - Bridesmaid
Sister in law of the bride!
Lauren Higgins - Bridesmaid
Best friend from highschool!
Grace Hooker - Bridesmaid
Best friend from college!
Emma Heller - Bridesmaid
Grooms cousin!
Elizabeth Heller - Bridesmaid
Grooms cousin!
Alexa Biggs - Officiant
Sister of the bride!
Noelle Romeo - Flower girl
Niece of the bride and groom!
Evelyn Apiquian - Flower girl
Cousin of the bride!
Vivian Apiquian - Flower Girl
Cousin of the bride!
JT Romeo - Ring bearer
Nephew of the bride and groom!
Hayden McInerney - Ring bearer
Nephew of the bride and groom!
Hunter McInerney - Jr. Best man
Nephew of the bride and groom!
Yianni Stianos - Best man
College best friend!
Thomas McInerney - Groomsmen
Brother of the groom!
Brian Biggs - Groomsmen
Brother of the bride!
John McInerney - Groomsmen
Cousin of the groom!
Marko Drazik - Groomsmen!
Jack Grossman - Groomsmen!
Frank Romeo - Brother in law!
AJ mcInerney - Groomsmen!